The new MacBook 2015 : Is it worth it?

The Hype

All the discussion about the new MacBook 2015 has got me to write this post anyway.

If you are someone who is thinking of buying the new MacBook, then you should definately read this post.

First of all, let’s get to the point.

The Brand New USB-C Port

The main discussion is that the new MacBook has only one port, and that too is an ultra uncommon USB-C type port. Now, don’t get freaked out if you don’t know what USB-C is. It’s basically a reversible display slash data slash power in slash power out port.

What that means is that a single USB-C port can do all that but not on it’s own. You see, you cannot plug in any thing exept power in the MacBook without having to use an adapter. And, since USB-C is fairly uncommon, the adapters are very expensive. Something as simple as connecting a mouse to it would set you back about 50 pounds!

But aside from the cons it also has some pros as well-

1.It’s technically USB 3.1 meaning ultra fast transfer speeds.

2.It can carry video as well as data and power

3.It’s reversible(meaning you can put it in any way and it’ll still work)

Force Touch

Now, coming to other things, fist of all another common discussion is about the touchpad which has this feature called “Force Touch”. Basically it means that the touchpad can recognize the difference between a small, short tap and a long,forceful tap.

This can help only while editing videos and photos and playing games, otherwise, it’s pretty useless.

But, while playing and editing it’s super useful.

Feather Keyboard

The new MacBook is super thin and light and thus sacrifices have to be made. The keyboard on the new MacBook is this special Apple custom feather touch keyboard that takes some time getting used to but after that it’s pretty much fine.

Worth it?

Editing videos and photos and playing games are pretty much impossible on this laptop as it has hardly any processing power. With an Intel Core M Mobile processor, the new MacBook hardly justifies the exceptional price of $1350!

Plus, if you know Apple, usually their first-generation products are, well, not so great. And that story is still continuing with the new MacBook 2015 and the Apple Watch.

So, according to me it’s not worth it and if you’re looking for a new MacBook for gaming and/or editing and have the money then buy the latest MacBook Pro which according to me is an amazing buy for the price.

But, if you are in the market for a ultra light and portable laptop and don’t mind carrying around a bunch of adapters and don’t need lots of processing power and have a lot of money then this is the perfect laptop for you.

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