Marshmallow’s in the bag!

You may have heard about the latest android version, which is “M”. But, did you know that Google has recently confirmed that “M” is officially “Marshmallow”…. Read on to find out more…

Entering the world of Android Marshmallow, you won’t see any changes right away; because it’s not like a complete reinvention of Android. Instead, Google has been incredibly secretive about the changes in little nooks and crannies everywhere.

The first change that you will notice is that the alphabetical ordering of apps in the app drawer and the new search bar there as well. No surprise there.

Some of the more hidden(and probably not important to the average consumer) facts are that it has an app permissions(user restricted), native fingerprint support, USB Type-C support, RAM Manager, Network settings reset, the ability to choose status bar icons, and of course Android Pay has also greatly improved.

One of the main features that I would like to mention is Doze, which saves your battery life a lot by limiting the power usage of your device when idle. Google claims to have tested this on a Nexus 9 and got double the battery life out of it.

Well that seems like a lot to take in, but that’s what’s new in Android 6.0!

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